Event Program March 29, 2023 from 6pm to 10.30 pm

  • Main Stage

    Hosts: Megha Goswami and Kristaps Kovalonoks (Couple of Expats)

    18:00-18:10 Event opening: Welcome words

    18:10-18:40 Panel discussion: “Challenges of our time: How science helps our society to adapt and succeed?”

    Moderator: Adam Smale (Professor, Dean at the School of Management, University of Vaasa)


    Rosa Maria Ballardini (Professor, IP law, and Vice Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Lapland)

    Miloš Mladenović (Associate Professor, Transportation Engineering, Aalto University)

    Chiara Valentini (Professor and Head of Corporate Communication, University of Jyväskylä)

    Sam White (Professor of Political History, University of Helsinki)

    Announcement of the Dean Challenge

    19:15-19:45 Stakeholder panel:How to better include international academics in public debate and decision-making in Finland?

    Moderator: Mari K. Niemi (Docent, Doctor of Social Sciences; Director in E2 Research)


    Ville Alijoki (Executive producer, the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yleisradio)

    Atte Jääskeläinen (Director General of Higher Education and Research Policy, Ministry of Education and Culture)

    Mikko Myllykoski (CEO, Heureka, the Finnish Science Center)

    Pia Talonpoika (Head of Finland HR, Nokia Finland).

    Dean Challenge results revealed: Neil Cronin (Professor, Vice Dean for Research & Innovation, University of Jyväskylä) leading the Dean team.

  • Interview Stage

    Host: Kikka Pohjaväre

    18:10–18.50 Artificial Intelligence


    Environmental Sensing, Andrew Rebeiro-Hargrave (Senior Researcher, University of Helsinki)

    Emotional Data & AI, Robert van den Hoven van Genderen (Professor, University of Lapland)

    Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Sarah Schiffling (Assistant Professor, Hanken School of Economics)

    Explainable AI, Sinan Kaplan (Doctoral Researcher, LUT University)

    Interviewers: Toni Forssell, Simo Halme, Sini Kortesmaa, Nea Kärkkäinen, Greta-Maria Lepo (Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences)

    18.55–19.35 Sustainability Matters


    Sustainable Investments, Adrian Braun (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Lapland)

    Tree Response to Climate Change, Charlotte Angove (Postdoctoral Researcher, Natural Resources Institute Finland, LUKE)

    Sustainable Business Development, Leonie Paul (Doctoral Researcher, LUT University)

    Circularity of Solar Panels, Simon Jech (Doctoral researcher, Aalto University)

    Interviewers: Mikko Huotari, Salla Kolehmainen, Veera Kontula, Sampo Lepistö (Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences)

    19.40–20.20 Equality, Inclusion & Diversity


    Credibility Assessment of Asylum Claims, Hedayat Selim (Doctoral Researcher, Åbo Akademi University)

    Accessibility of Games to People with Disabilities, Lobna Hassan (Associate Professor, LUT University)

    Fair Welfare Policies and Bureaucrats’ Decisions, Luiz Henrique Alonso de Andrade (Doctoral Researcher, Tampere University)

    Equality in Population Health: Urban and Rural Regions, Sorin Dan (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Vaasa )

    Interviewers: Mariam Colley, Nea Holopainen, Teemu Hyytiäinen, Tuulia Kuusela, Esta Peltoniemi (Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences)

  • Pitching Competition

    20:20-21:00 Competition: “The problems my research solves – and why it matters?”

    21:30-21:45 Announcing competition results

    Host: Khalil Shahramian (Science Pitchers)

    Competition finalists:

    Kasra Aliyon (junior researcher, energy systems, LUT University) “Using AI to facilitate energy transition”
    Eleanna Asvestari (postdoctoral researcher, physics, University of Helsinki) “Space weather modelling: Forecasting the dangers the Sun sends our way”
    Zhao Fu (doctoral researcher, electrical engineering, Tampere University) “Supercapacitor - An Efficient and Eco-friendly Solution to Energy Crisis”
    Guadalupe López-Íñiguez (Academy of Finland research fellow, Uniarts Helsinki’s Sibelius Academy) “Caring for Musically Gifted Children”
    Ropafadzo Mzezewa (doctoral researcher, clinical medicine, Tampere University) “How to model epilepsy outside the brain”
    Abigail Parker (postdoctoral researcher, computer science, University of Helsinki) “Learning from our ecological ancestors: fossil community trait structure and past climate”

    Pitching competition jury:

    Erkki Ahola, Director, New technologies, Industry of the Future, Technology Industries of Finland (Teknologiateollisuus ry)
    Laura Lindeman, Senior Director and Head of Work in Finland Unit, Business Finland
    Johanna Moisio, Executive Director, The Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers (Tieteentekijöiden liitto, FUURT)
    Jarkko Virtanen, Vice President, Head of Marketing & Communications, CGI Finland, Poland & Baltics

  • Science Theater

    “My Research Topic and I”

    Host: Atte Penttilä (E2 Research)


    18:10-18:30 On fashion and experience
    Julia Valle Noronha (Assistant Professor, Fashion Design, Aalto University)

    18:45-19:05 Cryptocurrencies – Blessing or Curse?
    Klaus Grobys (Associate Professor, Finance, University of Vaasa)

    19:20-19:40 Understanding food molecules as key to wellbeing and sustainability
    Baoru Yang (Professor, Food Sciences, Vice Dean, Faculty of Technology, University of Turku)

    19:55-20:15 Going the light way: the next generation of solar power
    Paola Vivo (Associate Professor, Material Chemistry, Tampere University)

  • Networking


    Everyone is welcome to meet the event speakers, hosts, stakeholders, organisers